
Eye Spy [Free]

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Eye Spy [Free]

24 ratings

See Everything For What It Really Is.

Easily unlock the secrets of your favorite worlds and avatars by seeing how they look under the hood!


EyeSpy comes with a bunch of options such as making the glass bigger and toggling your very own detective pipe.

Super easy install

EyeSpy is Added to your avatar easily with VRCFury! Just move the object to your avatars hand and it will handle the rest.

Don't want EyeSpy anymore? Just delete the prefab on your avatar and it's gone!

Install tutorial:


  • Can be used with WD ON and OFF
  • Is NOT quest compatible due to the wireframe shader
  • Why make it free? I want people to learn how things work under the hood in a fun and interactive way, maybe it will inspire someone to make something themselves! and who knows, maybe this will make people wear lower polygon avatars :P
  • You may put this on any public avatar
  • You may NOT put this onto a commercial avatar, unless you're making a detective avatar bc that would be really cool

Performance cost:

  • 1 Skinned mesh render, 1 Mesh render
  • 1.8k triangles
  • 4 Materials (Spy glass, Wireframe shader, Pipe, Pipe Smoke)
  • 1.09mb of VRAM
  • 6 param memory
  • 1 Animator layer (yes for real I'm very proud)

Credit to Neitri for the Wireframe shader which is free to distribute

Everything else is made from scratch by Me

I want this!

Easy to install prefab for the EyeSpy system

24.7 MB
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